big gf :huh? xiao ao what???

me : she sent this
突然觉得我好像真的没什朋友耶... 不过还好有你和尾.. 因为没有surprise的....很矛盾... 觉得我的二十一岁生日好像就这样.. 像个普通的日子过掉... 我只是想告诉你我心里的感觉... 没什么... 明天见哦!!

i got it

can you see chinese?

can can
but why?

i dunno
i felt like crying when i received

dun cry...
but that is sth i am worrying abt too
coz me and yi wei got some prob again
do u still rmb last time i talked to abt what happened to me n yi wei?


until now our friendship is not that good anymore
but ao and yi wei are very close
and i seldom talk to ao one
i am very worried that ao might think that i dun treat her as friend or wat
and now.....
u know what? what she is thinking is exactly what i am thinking
i keep telling ppl that i got no friends during past few days

u got me~~~

especially yi wei thing happened, hl n wen wen thing happened....
i know i got u
i still got baobao, jyin, pit....they all
but the prob long could it be last?
me n yi wei used to be good, isn't it?
but now we're like stranger

i dunno how long could it be last about you and them
but i know i wont change
when u need a pair of ears
im all ears

ur speaking is so touching...until i wanna cry!
i'm fine. since i have been living independently outside, i saw a lotsa things
and understand a lot of things
so...yes, u're always my bestie!
and i never know ming li was with u guys last night!
i wanted to contact him recently but i can't get through his number
oh, little bf
i am asking u one thing


my friendship to u, wont' change, at least listen to me. if anyone told u that i might changed or do sth bad to u, pls...listen to me
just an example la
it doesn't mean that i did do sth bad to u

i wont believe the "anyone"
at all
so ... no need to listen

it does mean a lot to me, u can't imagine it
u dunno how sad that now when i talk to yi wei, whenever i told her i miss her or sth she said meant a lot to me, she just dun buy it
so....i am on the edge of giving up
too tired to maintain....
i know it is sad but...
i dunno what can i do

dun be sad
im always here
when u come back
just come to me


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