frenship is the most mystery, strangest thing in the world
i always say
and i will always say

it was about Tuesday .... i think
cuz the day after that was the day that they were about to go to the casino cruise
now and here i meant kok wei, kuangyik and delong.......
other else..... i dunno who more....

but thats not the point
i was just making a casual question
to pohseng
and ask him who were to go over there
and i told him that i was about to ask benc about that question
but he tried so hard to stop me
he said " trust me, dun ask"

of cuz i wanted to get the run down with that
so i asked him "why"
he said benc and kuangyik are avoiding each other
he didnt know what exactly happened
and now he still doesnt know about it
but i feel so sad and sorrow
isnt that our man-gangship should last forever and ever
how could it be a thorn among us
i really wonder what happened??
benc and ky ... i hope that u guys can really work it out
and ...... treasure our frenship......
i love man gang.....
n i dun wan our frenship to be bad~~~

we gathered together again
pyoke,pekying,pohseng,kokwei,jialih, and i
i stared at pekying for about 30 secs i would say
and pyoke asked me wat i am dazing at....
i was thinking about our frenship actually
things changed
everything changed
but i think all of us at the scene do not change a lot
we still get along well each other when we got together
we dun feel any sense of shy when in conversation

i really wanna treasure this relationship
good luck for me
today is gonna be the judgement day
the day that my ACCA's result is about to be "out"
and frenship forever
(this is a quote that marion wrote in my birthday blessing card when we are in senior 3)

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