It just like a destiny
From my grandfather
my family seemed confusing than others

my grandfather had two wives
one was dead and one is i usually see when back to Penang
my father is the previous one grandmother'son
the usually seen one had a child
a male
we called him uncle i think
died few weeks ago

maybe there is a gene inside my family
a broken destiny gene
my father
is not a perfect one
he continues the destiny
he married twice
my mum is the second
that cuzs my father got 8 children but my mum only 4
another family from my father
consists of another wife of him and 3 "sis" 1 "bro"
a promiscuos wife
after divorced
married more than twice
then died few months ago

the only soni
damned him
maybe the gene is the one doing bad
he didnt hav a proper job just fucking around...
wanted to buy a car
my father was his gurantor of his car
an expensive one
didnt hv enough money still didnt want to sell it
until the bank sued him to bankruptcy
than affected our family
the court appointed my dad to clear the debts
goddamn it..

this is my broken and sadful family
sometimes im afraid i have this kind of bad gene too...
bless me

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